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Key Documents for the UAE training 
January 2023

The following are all documents related to machinery on the course.


Firstly print the documents that relate to the machines you have been trained upon and place them with your training document as evidence of your training. (Please do not print anything that is not required.)


When you have printed off the sheets, complete the personal information at the top.

Where it says RDTHSC please insert MARK ELWELL.

Please insert the date of either day of training.


Then you are to read through each document ticking the boxes as you go.


Power Fret Saw
Buffing Machine
Drilling Machine
Hand Tools
Plastics Moulding Machines
Centre Lathe
Portable Power Tools
Wood Sawing Machines
Wood Lathe
Sanding Machine
Planner Thicknesser

Providing the highest quality support, training and service for Design and Technology Departments within the Education sector.

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